Big Stories on the small screen

Our workshops offer professional writers, directors and producers the opportunity to develop their screen craft skills to international standard.

Global in outlook and ‘platform-agnostic’ in form, Big Stories on the Small Screen focuses on episodic screen narratives of between three and thirteen hours, suitable for delivery via television and/or digital media platforms. Our workshops are predicated on a strong ‘make-to-sell’ commercial ethic, with an emphasis on audience.

Our workshop structure is based on best international practice. The structure promotes creative collaboration; professional participants acquire essential skills in collaborative storytelling alongside skills in story analysis and script development.

Participating screen professionals retain all rights in relation to their creative material. Participating broadcasters are under no contractual obligation to any creative team or individual involved in Big Stories. Participants in Big Stories workshops are under no contractual obligation to participating broadcasters.

Big Stories on the Small Screen is funded by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland in association with Screen Training Ireland.

Big Stories on the Small Screen is supported by by Irish broadcasters TV3 and TG4, as well as by professional industry bodies Screen Producers Ireland, the Screen Directors’ Guild of Ireland and The Irish Playwrights’ and Screenwriters’ Guild.